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waPC Specification

The waPC protocol standardizes communication and error handling for native code calling into WebAssembly and WebAssembly calling out to native code.


waPC Hosts

A waPC host is the native environment that initializes and make requests of waPC guests.

waPC Guests

A waPC guest is a WebAssembly module that exposes commands (functions) that a host can call.

Guest call

A request from a host to a guest.

Host call

A request from a guest to a host.

RPC Exchange flow

The following is an outline of which functions are invoked and in which order to support a waPC exchange flow. waPC Host libraries should hide the details of this flow from their users.

  1. Host invokes __guest_call on the WebAssembly module.
  2. Guest calls the __guest_request function to instruct the host to write the request parameters to linear memory.
  3. Guest uses the op_len and msg_len parameters along with the pointer values it generated in step 2 to retrieve the operation (UTF-8 string) and payload (opaque byte array).
  4. Guest performs work.
  5. (Optional) Guest invokes __host_call on host with pointers and lengths indicating the binding, namespace, operation, and payload.
  6. (Optional) Guest can use __host_response and host_response_len functions to obtain and interpret results.
  7. (Optional) Guest can use __host_error_len and __host_error to obtain the host error if indicated (__host_call returns 0).
  8. A guest can repeat 5-7 as many times as it needs.
  9. Guest will call guest_error to indicate if an error occurred during processing.
  10. Guest will call guest_response to store the opaque response payload.
  11. Guest will return 0 (error) or 1 (success) at the end of __guest_call.

Required Host Exports

List of functions that must be exported by the host.

ModuleFunctionParametersReturn valueDescription
i32Invoked to initiate a host call.
Allows guest to log to stdout
Writes the guest request payload and operation name to linear memory at the designated locations
wapc__host_responseptr:i32Instructs host to write the host response payload to the given location in linear memory
wapc__host_response_leni32Obtains the length of the current host response
Tells the host the size and location of the current guest response payload
Tells the host the size and location of the current guest error payload
wapc__host_errorptr:i32Instructs the host to write the host error payload to the given location
wapc__host_error_leni32Queries the host for the length of the current host error (0 if none)

Required Guest Exports

List of functions that must be exported by the guest.

Invoked by the host to start an RPC exchange with the guest module